The Real Estate industry is an ever-evolving entity in our time. Keeping up with it's fluctuations can be intimidating. Let's keep ourselves informed!

Friday, August 11, 2006

How can you lower your windstorm insurance premiums?

From crossing a friend at the supermarket to talking with your neighbor while watering your lawn. It use to be that the hot topic was real estate and how you had to get some.

Well, things have change just a bit. Real estate continues to be a very hot topic, however, it carries a big spin. Now it's whether or not we can afford to stay in the home that we purchased at such a great price just two years ago.

The real estate market in South Florida has been the victim of several busy hurricane seasons overburdening the insurance companies with claim upon claim resulting in the outrages premiums we are now forced to pay.

Here is something your insurance company won't tell you. If you own a relatively new home that has been constructed to Florida building code, you stand to receive several discounts on your windstorm insurance that can amount to a 30% to 50% reduction in your premium.

Items such as shutters and roof construction are seldom outlined in you insurance's declaration of coverage. Speak to your agent and ask them for your carrier's mitigation verification affidavits for these features in your home and have an inspector complete the forms for you.

If you don't already know an inspector, allow me to suggest John Turner with Don Meyler Inspections, Inc. For a nominal fee of $150 you can literally save hundreds upon hundreds of dollars every year. His direct number is (954) 600-8880.

It's worth the call!