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Friday, September 07, 2007

Economist: Fed has the Power to End Housing Slump

At least one influential economist is urging the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates quickly and preemptively.

Fed Board of Governors’ member Frederic S. Mishkin said in a white paper that the Fed could prevent a lot of damage from a severe housing slump by acting swiftly to cut interest rates aggressively before the slump gets any worse.


Blogger South Florida Housing Bubble said...

Great! So you want the Federal government to forceably take my hard-earned income and use it to bailout out a bunch of irresponsible borrowers and reckless lenders.


So, you can make you 6%?

So, you don't become another bankrupt flipper?

So, that more teachers, police officers, and fire fighters remain priced out of South Florida's real estate market?

That sounds pretty selfish to me, but maybe that's just me.

2:31 PM


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